Monthly Archives: March 2020

Pre-emergent And Fertilizer On Your Lawn

Tips On Starting Seeds Indoors

Garden Tool Prep and Ornamental Grass Trimming Tips
Kevin: Well, when it comes to March, I like to get my to do list going. I do better with lists. So one thing I like to put on my list is getting my tools ready. Making sure my pruners are sharp. My springs are oiled and when it’s ready to need them, they’re ready to go. So a lot of things I’m looking to do in my garden in the spring is perhaps if I didn’t get to my ornamental grasses last fall or late winter, I can get those trimmed up. I like to cut those down, discard all that top growth before I see new green growth emerge.
Alan: Speaking of pruning your ornamental grasses, a good method that I learned was wrap it with duct tape. And then you can just cut that off about four to six inches above the ground. And you don’t have the pieces of grass flying all over in the wind. Just comes off in a bundle.
Kevin: I learned that the hard way.
Alan: Most of us have.
Kevin: Clean up your grasses. If you haven’t cleaned off the tops to some of those old perennials and they’re mushy on top or dry and crusty, it’s time to rake those off and make way for the new growth to come out. It’s also a good time to if you had some trouble areas last year with stuff getting too big, you can dig that up while it’s dormant. Divide it. Transplant it, replant it, give it away, throw it away, whatever you need to do to maintain that certain area of space that you’ve allotted for that plant.